Social Communication Module For Professional Development From NGN Learning - NGN Learning

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Social Communication Module For Professional Development From NGN Learning

168.64 168.64

For : Teachers, Counselors/Mental Health Professionals, Trainers/Coaches, Parents, Care givers, Non Profit Organizations, Eductaional Institutions,

Curriculum : Professional development/Counseling/Classroom

User’s Engagement : Power Point Presentations

Application : Education Sector, Teacher Training, Counseling and Therapy, Personal Growth Workshops, Parenting Programs

Subjects : – Social Emotional Ethical & Logical Learning (NGN SEEL), English Language, Life skills

Skills : Social Communication

Target Audience  : Adults/Professionals

Aligned/Compliant : NEP 2020 and NCF

Age : 18+

Resource Type : Power Point Presentations

Language: English

Delivery Format: PDF

Duration: 2 to 3 hours

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Product Total: ₹199


Introducing the “Social Communication Module For Professional Development From NGN Learning” by NGN Learning, meticulously crafted to align with the National Education Policy (NEP) and the National Curriculum Framework (NCF). This transformative module emphasizes the pivotal role of social communication in children’s holistic development.

From fostering relationship building and teamwork to nurturing leadership skills and emotional intelligence, educators are empowered with effective strategies to cultivate essential socio-emotional competencies in students. Educators can create inclusive classroom environments through engaging activities and interactive approaches where students thrive in meaningful interactions and collaborative learning experiences.

With a focus on motivating students to initiate communication, promoting active listening, and fostering turn-taking skills, this module equips educators with practical tools to enhance socio-emotional learning outcomes. Elevate your teaching practices and transform your classroom into a hub of holistic development with our “Social Communication Module For Professional Development From NGN Learning” today.


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